

Bibliographie sur les textiles du Turkestan et Turkmenistan

Bibliography on Turkestan and Turkmenistan textiles


  • ZENKER Jules Théodore, Dictionnaire turc-arabe-persan, Leipzig 1866.

  • MOSER Henri, A travers l'Asie Centrale, Paris 1885.

  • KELEKIAN Diran, Dictionnaire turc-français, Constantinople 1911.

  • KALTER Johannes, The Arts and Crafts of Turkestan, Londres 1984.

  • YANAI Yigal, Suzanis, Central Asian Embroderies, Haaretz Museum, Tel-Aviv, 1986.

  • GÜRSÜ Nevber, The Art of Turkish Weawing, Istanbul, 1988.

  • SARAY Mehmet, The Turkmens in the age of Imperialism : A Study of the Turkmen people and their incorporation into the Russian Empire, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 1989.

  • Encyclopédie de l'Islam, Brill-Maisonneuve, Leyde-Paris, nouvelle édition.

  • KIRDÖK M., Ikat, Vienne 1993.

  • KALTER Johannes et PAVALOI Margareta (éd.), Erben der Seidenstraße, Uzbekistan, Stuttgart 1995.

  • HARVEY Janet, Traditional Textiles of Central Asia, Londres 1996.


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